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Business Challenges for Owners


I shared with you about why I got into business for myself in my last post as I think it’s beneficial for others to understand the why behind our actions. My entrepreneurial journey started November 2004 with a business partner and morphed into a small business with a team in June of 2012 and it has been an adventure the whole way through.

Now, I do believe business ownership isn’t for everybody despite all the good things I can say about it. There are also a ton of challenges and they can be incredibly difficult. Allow me to share some of mine from the last 18 years:

➡️ Getting new/more business and the timing of it all – I believe this is most businesses biggest challenge
➡️ Taxes – omg taxes are stressful to me and something that took a few years to figure out how to manage with more ease
➡️ Knowing where to spend money and where to DIY
➡️ Hiring the right team to help you grow
➡️ Managing money such as invoicing, payables and receivables

Let’s not forget some of these:

➡️ Getting in my own way
➡️ Undercharging for fear of rejection
➡️ Not trusting myself and my value

What I have learned about challenges is that they are actually opportunities for growth and when they come up I get to become better at business. Even when I encounter challenges more than once I gain something from each interaction. It doesn’t always feel that way in the moments but moving through things teaches so much if you can be open to the lesson.

Challenges are a part of life so it really should not be a surprise the see them come up in business. My suggestion – get yourself into a group where you can be supported and be a support to others and show up to each meeting. I belong to the RESET Collective, an amazing group of business owners who show up to support each other, work through the exercises on the calls and become referral partners to expand their reach. This group is simply amazing and has helped me work through so many challenges. I wish I had been open to something like this years ago so go get yourself into something like this or message me for more info on RESET.