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Fractional Design Teams for Speakers

Entering the world of public speaking is exciting, taking you on a journey through different experiences and leaving a strong impact on your audiences. Succeeding as a speaker relies on having a capable support team, so you can excel without carrying all the responsibilities (psssst, you do not have to do everything yourself).

While your speaking skills help you get speaking engagements, putting on an impressive performance involves many elements. Depending on your field, slide decks are important for your presentations, along with workbooks, handouts, and other tangible aids. However, this only covers the presentation aspect. Like any successful business, speakers need an appealing website that showcases their identity, including information, videos, resources, and easy booking options. Additionally, if you offer workshops or programs, having a dedicated web space with quick enrollment is critical.

Graphic design is crucial for speakers, ensuring that everything they present looks professional, aligns with their brand, and serves a purpose. Their visual identity should clearly convey their value, helping them not just survive but thrive and grow. Hiring a full-time designer is often not feasible for most speakers, leading to the emergence of fractional teams.

If you’ve been in the game a while and looking to up your game integrating a brand refresh for your various elements could be just the piece you’re looking for. Having a trusted designer on call to help with this takes the stress off of you.

As a busy person who’s refining a message or creating a new talk where should you invest your time? Likely not in struggling with your website’s appearance or perfecting your slide deck’s visuals. These tasks can feel endless and contribute to a sense of inadequacy as your to-do list keeps growing.

We’re currently in an era where fractional teams are prevalent, transforming how businesses operate. Having a skilled partner proficient in graphic and web design, tightly integrated into your team, provides confidence in your marketing strategies and materials. What are your thoughts on building a fractional team to help your speaking career reach the next level of awesome?