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How Long Does a Website Build Take?

When you had your first website created there was likely a lot of questions rolling around about what to expect. If you’d never been through the process it’s all new and possibly quite overwhelming.

My team and I have helped many clients with their first, second third or even fourth websites and the one question we get asked no matter what is, “how long will it take?” It’s a very valid question and worth asking no matter where you go to have a website built.

While it’s not usually possible to predict the exact amount of time required there are 3 general factors we use to get an idea for how quickly you can see your new site go live.

➡️ Platform – Some platforms such as Squarespace, Wix and Showit do not require the use of coding to build a site. These sites can therefor be created quicker even with a higher page count. Sites built using WordPress with a custom look/feel require coding knowledge and more testing.

➡️ Functionality – If a site needs a number of integrations, forms, ecommerce, animations, widgets etc. that will add to the labour and dictate your platform.

➡️ Design – Brilliant on brand design takes time and if you have a larger site requiring more page templates this will of course add to the length of time needed. Don’t forget photo editing as this can add up quick.

Using these factors and a general page count allows us to estimate how much time is needed. A good ballpark for the average 10-15 page site built in WordPress with a few integrations and 2-3 contact forms is 10-12 weeks. This is of course provided all content is available in a timely manner.

The average 10-15 page Wix or Sqaurespace site can be done in 4-6 weeks, pretty much half the amount of time. It is important to choose the platform that meets the demand of the business so your web team should educate you on options and explain why one things is better than another for you.

If you’re ready for a new website I hope you found this post helpful. There is a lot available when it comes to websites so always good to ask questions and find a team that can really set you up with the best platform for you.